Saname Counseling

Eating Disorders Therapy in South Texas

Comprehensive eating disorder treatment in Corpus Christi, Brownsville, & McAllen.

You have the power to break free from eating disorder and body image issues.

Many of us have formed an unhealthy relationship with our bodies and turn to food as a coping mechanism for challenging emotions. Our therapists are here to support you through disordered eating, guiding you to overcome disruptive eating habits and unraveling the ways food is used to navigate emotions and stress. It can be challenging to foster a positive connection to your body and a mindful relationship to food and you do not have to it alone.

We understand how challenging it can be to foster a positive connection to your body and a mindful relationship to food. Together, we delve into the underlying causes of eating disorders, empowering you to regain control over your relationship with food and your body.

Specialty areas include:

  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED) & compulsive overeating
  • Orthorexia
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Emotional eating
  • Excessive exercising
  • Body image concerns
  • Food restriction

Why choose Eating Disorder Therapy in South Texas?

  • Do you find yourself obsessing over food and body image? 
  • Are you overwhelmed by negative thoughts about food and weight? 
  • Are you struggling to find balance and peace within yourself?
  • Are your negative thoughts about your body impacting your self-esteem?
  • Are you experiencing trouble in your interpersonal relationships and social situations because of food?

Struggling with disordered eating and body image can have you feeling trapped and exhausted. The constant preoccupation with food, weight, and appearance can be overwhelming, affecting various aspects of daily life. However, seeking support through eating disorders and body image therapy offers a path toward healing and liberation. Through therapy, you can explore the underlying factors contributing to your struggles, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and cultivate a more positive relationship with food and your body. With the guidance of an eating disorder therapist, you can find relief from the grip of these challenges and embark on a journey toward greater self-acceptance and well-being.

Signs of Disordered Eating

In a culture where negative body image is normalized, many individuals struggle to know whether they need treatment. Struggling with disordered eating and body image issues can manifest in various signs and behaviors. Here are some common indicators that your relationship with food or body image might be unhealthy: 

  • You spend a lot fo time worrying about and planning what to eat
  • You have rigid food rules
  • You experience guilt, shame, or anxiety after eating
  • You put off important things because of your weight or appearance
  • You hide information about your eating or exercise habits
  • You feel out of control around food
  • You engage in exercise even when sick or injured
  • Your self-worth is contingent upon your body

Therapy for Eating Disorders and
Body Image

Our therapists are Health at Every Size aligned to support clients in embracing their bodies and transforming their connection with food. Together, we will tackle the harmful influences of diet culture, rediscover healthy eating habits, and confront the negative thoughts and beliefs fueling disordered eating or body dissatisfaction. Additionally, our counselors offer an array of practical strategies to cope with overwhelming emotions, perfectionism, and self-judgment commonly associated with body image struggles and eating concerns. Through eating disorder therapy you can

  • Identify what triggers disordered eating behaviors
  • Learn emotion regulation skills
  • Improve body image and self-esteem
  • Identify the steps and feelings associated with the pattern of disorderly eating behavior
  • Connect to feelings underneath the obsessions and compulsions
  • Letting go of black and white thinking
  • Learn how to intuitively eat and engage in mindful eating
  • Let go of limiting beliefs about body, weight and dieting that no longer serve you
  • Develop a more loving and compassionate relationship with yourself and your body

No matter your body type, you deserve to feel comfortable and accepted in your own skin.

Are you ready to take the next step toward healing and reclaiming your relationship with food and your body? Our compassionate therapists are here to support you on this journey. By taking the courageous step of seeking therapy, you’re opening the door to greater self-awareness, resilience, and self-acceptance. Together, we’ll develop personalized strategies to help you break free disordered eating patterns. With our guidance and support, you’ll gain the tools and insights needed to overcome obstacles, cultivate a positive self-image, and embrace a more fulfilling life. Your journey toward recovery starts here, and we’re here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

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